Hong kong mtr gay sex video

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HONG KONG ISLAND - Wanchai, Causeway Bay, Northpointīig Top Gym & Sauna UTOPIA VERIFIED AUG 2020, UTOPIA VISITED MAY 2012ģ/F Yuet Yuen Bld, 17-19 Mongkok Rd, Kowloon, Utopia Map

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Normally open until midnight, but may close earlier if the crowd has left (call ahead if you are arriving late). Always a friendly, good mix for whatever you are into: locals, expats, twinks, chubs and everything in between. The small dry sauna and steam room always have some action. Well-equipped with steam, dry sauna, jacuzzi, massage chair, sun tanning bed, OSIM iMedic Massage chair, and plenty of play spaces. Friendly and always busy with locals and international visitors, especially weekends. Taxi: ask for Lyndhurst Terrace, opposite Park 'N Shop supermarket. Entrance is on Gage St, opposite a small fruit stand. CE (Central Escalator) UTOPIA VERIFIED MAY 2019, UTOPIA VISITED JUN 2016Ģ/F, 37-43 Cochrane St, Central, Utopia Mapīuilding is next to the public hillside escalator, above 7 Eleven.

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